
The Pathway and English Language Centre provides students with the opportunity to gain a university entrance qualification or English language credentials.

Who is this available to

Prospective students who require a university entrance qualification or wish to complete an English language course.

How do I apply for a Pathway or English Language Centre programme

To apply for a Pathway and English Language Centre programme:

  1. Go to Ontrack, the Pathway and English Language Centre online application portal, and either log in or create an account.
  2. Complete the relevant sections of the online application form.
  3. Upload copies of appropriate supporting documents to complete your application. These will differ depending on the course that you are applying for.

Log in to Ontrack

Refer to the Dates and fees page for information about the dates of each programme offered through Pathway and English Language Centre. Most programmes have specific intake dates throughout the year, and there are normally three terms in a year for Pathway and English Language Centre courses:

Pathway and English Language Centre — Dates and Fees

How much does it cost

There is no cost for submitting applications. Fee summaries of each course offered through Pathway and English Language Centre are available online:

Pathway and English Language Centre — Fees