
The Division of Sciences provides funding for PhD students to allow them to attend and "present" (either a paper or poster) at international conferences. This funding is available only once during the tenure of your study.

Each division administers the funding and may have additional guidelines regarding eligibility. You must also provide a report to the division on your return outlining your participation and the benefit this had on your studies.

  • PhD students are eligible for up to $2,000 over the course of their programme (not per year) for assistance to present a paper/poster at a conference
  • It is preferred that the candidate present at a conference before submission of their thesis, however if the student has submitted a thesis which is still under examination, they may apply for funding to attend a conference that takes place within six months of the date of the first submission of the thesis
  • Funding may be pro-rated based on their EFTS split. For example, a student who is supervised 80% with Sciences and 20% with Humanities would only be eligible for 80% of the $2,000

Further information

University travel planning procedure
PhD conference leave