
You may receive a fee reminder, if you:

  • Have paid in the last 24 hours
  • Are paying your fees by student loan but StudyLink has not fully approved your loan yet
  • Have recently become eligible for fees-free, or
  • Are having your fees paid by your employer

Payments made within the last 24 hours will not yet be showing in your eVision tuition fee account, and international payments may take up to five days.

Student loan/StudyLink

If you are paying by student loan, the University of Otago requires your loan to be fully approved by 28 February to avoid a late payment fee and debtor restrictions. This means you need to have received a letter in your MyStudyLink account showing the date tuition fee payment will be made by StudyLink.

If you have not had your loan fully approved, you will receive a reminder. Check your MyStudyLink account to see what is required to complete your loan application.

Fees-free eligibility change

If you are now confirmed as eligible for fees-free, you may still receive a reminder. The University of Otago receives eligibility updates for fees-free entitlement once a week.

Your eligibility information will be updated once the University receives confirmation from TEC, but you can forward a screenshot of your confirmed eligibility on the website, or the letter from TEC that confirms your eligibility, so a hold can be placed on your account. Email this information to:

Fees paid by employer

If your employer is paying your fees, you may receive a reminder if this has not yet been confirmed with the University. To confirm this, ask your employer to complete the Third party fees invoice request form:

Third party fees invoice request — AskOtago Service Portal

Payment will be arranged directly with your employer following confirmation. Ensure that you pay any outstanding balance before the due date if your employer is only paying part of the fee.

If your payment is still not showing in your eVision tuition fee account after 24 hours, if you have not received a confirmation of your loan, or if you have any further questions, contact AskOtago