
The due date for application submission depends on the type of programme/s you are applying for.

If you are an international student enrolling for the first time, visit:

Key dates for new international students


Due date for applications

General bachelors' degrees

10 December – for new and recommencing students, and returning students applying for a new programme, commencing in Summer School or semester 1.

15 June – for all students enrolling for semester 2 only.

General bachelors' degrees

Specialised bachelors' degrees

The due date for submitting applications depends on the individual programme.

Specialised bachelors' degrees


The due date for applications for most honours programmes is 10 December.

Applications for Bachelor of Laws with Honours (LLB (Hons)) are due by 1 December.

Postgraduate diplomas and certificates

The due date for applications for most postgraduate diplomas and certificates is 10 December.

Postgraduate students


The due date for applications for programmes for most masters' degrees is 10 December for study beginning at the start of the following academic year, or 1 June for study beginning in semester 2.


There are no specific due dates for applications for PhD study.

PhD and doctoral students

Most programmes being offered in 2025 opened for applications on 1 May 2024.

Some programmes have different opening and closing dates, refer to the 2025 programme publishing dates on SharePoint.

There may be more than one entry for the programme, for example if it is offered at different locations or in different formats.

Check the paper or department website for more information. The List of Department Heads page has links to the main webpages for all academic departments:

List of Departments and Department Heads

The University Calendar also has some opening and closing date information.

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