
Special Consideration is the process by which the University of Otago seeks to ensure just and equitable treatment of students who suffer unexpected and significant impairment (e.g. serious illness) in relation to assessment.

If you are a student wanting to apply for Special Consideration based on medical impairment (that is not COVID-19), you can obtain a copy of the Health Declaration Form online

If your medical impairment is due to COVID-19 (either isolating, testing positive, or having COVID-19 symptoms) you will need to complete the Declaration to Support Special Consideration Application (COVID-19) for the appropriate exam period instead.

For further information or help, contact AskOtago.

Further information

Information on applying for Special Consideration in Final Examinations

Staff who require assistance with processing Special Consideration applications in eVision should contact Student Administration:

Tel +64 3 479 8237