You can apply for the return of your examination scripts, including those for examinations held online, at the AskOtago Central Hub once applications open:
Return of examination script application dates
Not all examination scripts can be returned. If your answers involved problem solving, were answered on multi-choice answer sheets for computer marking, or if a department requires a particular examination paper to be embargoed from publication and not released into the public domain then you will not be able to have your script returned to you.
There is no administration fee associated with the return of examination scripts.
Unclaimed examination scripts are destroyed 12 weeks after the date of the release of confirmed results.
If you will not be in Dunedin during the application period, you can request an application form be sent to you by email or post by contacting AskOtago.
Further information
Examination scripts and results
Once an examination script is collected by a candidate, no consideration will be given to any subsequent issue arising from the marking of that script, nor the addition or compilation of the marks.
Students will need to complete a physical form. They can do this on the Dunedin campus at the Central Hub, or by requesting the form is sent to them by AskOtago. The Application for Return of Examination Scripts form is available in SharePoint:
AskOtago SharePoint: