

Textbook information is available in the course outline for each paper, or can be requested from the relevant lecturer or teaching department. Students are responsible for buying their own textbooks.

Search for individual papers

Textbooks can be borrowed from the University of Otago Library. Books in high demand may be placed on Reserve with limited lending times.

Library - Reserve

All textbooks, including a selection of second-hand books, can be purchased from the University Book Shop (UBS). Search for textbooks on the UBS website:

University Bookshop Textbooks
Textbooks for Health Science First Year papers 2025 (PDF 347KB)

Course readers

Course readers are collections of readings relevant to a particular paper, made up of various articles and excerpts from published material. Course readers are compiled by teaching departments for use in conjunction with textbooks and lecture material. Not all papers use course readers.

Some departments provide course readers directly to students, but students normally purchase course readers from the Uniprint shop in the Central Library at the beginning of the semester. You will be advised by your lecturer when your course reader is available to buy.

Uniprint — Library branch