Application not submittedYou have not yet submitted your application. You will need to submit your application for the University of Otago to begin processing it.
Application in progressThe University is still processing your application.
Offer outstandingThe University has made you an offer for the programme. You can accept or decline the offer from your eVision portal home page, or from the Programmes and papers page.
Ready for course enrolmentYou can complete course enrolment for the programme from your eVision portal home page, or from the Programmes and papers page.
Course enrolment in progressYou have started the course enrolment process. You must complete this process before you can make your paper selections. You can return to the course enrolment process from your portal home page, or from the Programmes and papers page.
Available for paper selectionYou can select and submit your paper selection. Begin the paper selection process from the Course Enrolment button on your eVision portal home page or from the Course enrol link on the Programmes and papers page.
Submitted for course approvalYou have submitted your semester 1, semester 2, or full-year papers for course approval. If you want to make changes to the course you submitted, you can still access paper selection from the Course Enrolment page to make your changes and resubmit for course approval.
Course approval in progressThe University has begun course approval, which means you can't access paper selection. 
Conditions outstandingThe University has provisionally approved the course you submitted but there are still outstanding conditions you have to meet. Go to All Alerts on your eVision portal home page and check any current or previous alerts, including any conditions detailed within your offer of study.
Ready for course declarationYour course is approved. You can complete your declaration from the Course Enrolment page, subject to certain criteria — check the message you received on confirmation of approval for details.
Course DeclaredYou are fully enrolled in the programme.
Course enrolment cancelledYour enrolment in this programme has been cancelled.

If you have any questions, contact AskOtago.

Further information

Enrolling at Otago