
If you are under the age of 18 when you start your studies at the University of Otago and you require accommodation, you must first have a designated caregiver approved by the International Office before you can apply for a residential college or related options. There are a limited number of residential colleges available for incoming students under 18, which are Toroa College, Salmond College and Aquinas College, as well as homestay accommodation options. If your parents are currently living in Dunedin while you are studying, you can also live with them until you are over the age of 18.  

Students under 18 are restricted from most other accommodations available through the University, in order to comply with the Code of Practice of the Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners.  

Students under 18 are required to meet with an International Student Adviser quarterly to discuss accommodation, academic progress, general health and well-being, and any concerns and complaints they may have.

Further information

Information for under 18 international students
The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021
Official University of Otago residential colleges

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