
Information on reporting missing, lost, or stolen computing devices for security purposes.

Who is this available to

This service is available to University of Otago staff and students.

How do I report a lost or stolen university-owned device

To report a lost or stolen university-owned device:

  1. Contact the Proctor's Office as they co-ordinate the reporting and recovery of lost items.
  2. Contact AskOtago so the device can be prevented from accessing the University network.
  3. Contact your departmental administration if it is a University-owned device.

Outside of normal business hours, report the loss/theft of University-owned mobiles directly to the approved mobile service provider so that outgoing calls, texts, and data usage from your mobile phone can be barred and no charges incurred on your mobile device account:

Tel 888 from any One NZ mobile phone
Freephone 0800 400 888 from any phone