
To access an Otago Blogs site:

  1. Contact the Otago Blogs site owner if you wish to access a restricted blog site.
  2. If an Otago Blogs site is set to public access, anyone on the internet can view the blog.

If you are a subscriber or a reader of an Otago Blogs site, you will only be able to view the posts. People with other levels of access like administrators, editors, authors, and contributors are able to edit and delete blog posts.

When you log in to Otago Blogs for the first time, all you will see is your Dashboard and a message asking you to log out and log in again. This action adds your user account to all the blogs and podcasts you have access to.

Once you have done this you will see the blogs you are subscribed to in My Sites under the Dashboard link in the Site Administration menu. If you still can’t see your blog, click on the My Sites button at the left of your screen.

If you have the Administrator role of an Otago Blogs site, you can change the privacy settings of the Otago Blogs site at any time:

  1. Open the Site Administration menu.
  2. Select Settings
  3. Select Privacy

There are three different privacy settings for Otago Blogs:

  • Public: anyone on the internet can view the blog, but only people with posting access can make posts to it
  • Public non-Google: the same as a public blog, but the posts will not be picked up by the Google search engine
  • Restricted: only people in your access list will be able to read the blog and they will need to log in to access it