
The University of Otago network, UO_WIFI, is available to use for all students, staff, and external users, providing an internet connection.

How do I connect to UO_WIFI

If you have not yet completed course declaration, refer to the related article: Wireless access for students

The wireless service name (SSID) of "UO_WIFI" will need to be visible on your device.


To connect to UO_WIFI on a Windows or macOS computer, or on an iPhone/iPad:

  1. Select UO_WIFI from your list of available networks.
  2. Enter your University username (e.g. bonja22p) and associated password.
  3. Click Connect.
  4. If you are presented with a request to Accept or Trust the network, go ahead and do so.


To connect to UO_WIFI on an Android phone, you will need to alter the network settings first.

  1. Open up the network settings by tapping on the network in the list of available networks (or if you’ve tried to connect before, press and hold, then select Modify).
  2. Select the following settings (see notes in brackets/extra settings for Pixel 3a and 6a users):
    • EAP method: PEAP
    • Phase 2 authentication: MSCHAPV2 — this is sometimes found under the Advanced section
    • CA certificate: unspecified, or Do not validate (Pixel 3a users: Use system certificate)
    • Online certificate status (Pixel 3a/6a users): Request certificate status
    • Domain (Pixel 3a/6a users): staff = "" student = ""
    • Identity: your University username (Pixel 3a/6a users: Registry\ or student\University username)
    • Anonymous Identity: (leave blank)
    • Password: your University password
    • MAC Address Type: Use device MAC (available on Android 8.0 or later). Turn off MAC Randomisation on Android 10 devices
    • Security (if required): 802.1x EAP
  3. Tap Save or Connect.

Download the UO_WIFI network connection tip sheets for more detailed step-by-step instructions:

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