
The Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is a free, confidential counselling service available to University of Otago staff through the EAP provider TELUS Health (previously Benestar). It is available to all permanent and fixed-term full-time staff and all part-time staff with 0.5 FTE or greater with an employment contract/s totalling 12 months or more.

The purpose of the programme is to provide short-term, brief intervention counselling. The counselling support can be used when personal problems may be disrupting your home and/or work life.

TELUS Health also offers an online portal, Benehub. Information, hints, and guidance about life, mind, body, work, relationships, family, and money are available free for all staff via the TELUS Health portal, BeneHub.

Human Resources has more information about the programme and how to access it:

Employee Assistance Programme

Further information

Mental health and wellbeing
Stress and mental fatigue

For student counselling see the related article: Puāwaitanga counselling service.