Academic integrity means being honest in your studying and assessments. It is the basis for ethical decision-making and behaviour in an academic context. Academic integrity is informed by the values of honesty, trust, responsibility, fairness, respect and courage.
Academic misconduct is seeking to gain for yourself, or assisting another person to gain, an academic advantage by deception or other unfair means. The most common form of academic misconduct is plagiarism.
The University takes academic misconduct very seriously, so make sure you are aware of what you need to do to avoid it.
Further information
Academic Integrity and Academic Misconduct
Academic Integrity: a brief guide for students
Unauthorised Collaboration
Where to find help
For all enquiries relating to academic integrity and misconduct:
Tel +64 3 479 4978
It is important that correct procedures are followed in all cases and consistently followed across the campuses. When standard procedures for managing allegations of academic misconduct are not followed correctly, it is detrimental to students and staff.
The Academic misconduct information page has dedicated resources to help staff follow the Student Academic Misconduct Procedures:
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