
SONIA is an application used by the University of Otago to manage the student placement process. Students, supervisors, and placement sites (external users) use the placements portal or phone app to see the details of their placements, respond to questionnaires, and in some cases, create their own placements.

Log in with your University credentials to the SONIA Placement Portal

Support for students, staff, and external partners is provided by the placement officer listed the relevant department's page in the portal. The placement officer can raise an incident or request with the Placements Application Support team via AskOtago

Correcting information

Student details are passed automatically from eVision to SONIA, so any corrections should be made in eVision.

Amendments for staff and external partner details should be sent to the appropriate departmental placement officer.

Placements not visible

The placement officer can control when placement details are displayed to students and supervisors. This may vary between papers and can depend on whether the student has completed mandatory checks or provided information requested for a placement.

Choosing preferred placement locations/dates

The option for a student to indicate their preferred placement site location or date is controlled on a paper–by–paper basis in SONIA and so will not be available to all students.

SONIA phone app


SONIA for Students
SONIA for Supervisors


SONIA for Students
SONIA for Supervisors