
Two existing accounts in My eQuals can be merged to enable continued access.

Who is this available to

All current and past students.

How do I merge student and personal My eQuals accounts

If you need to merge two existing accounts in My eQuals (e.g. your personal email account and your student email account):

  1. Log in to My eQuals.
  2. Click on your name in the top right-hand corner.
  3. Select Profile settings.
  4. In the Email addresses section, click Link another email.
  5. Enter the other email address then click Add.
  6. A verification email will be sent to that address — click the Verify button in the email.

My eQuals

In the Email addresses section you can also change which email is used as your primary (or login) address.

You may not be able to access your My eQuals account if it is connected to your student email and your Outlook (webmail) has been deactivated. Contact AskOtago for further assistance if this is the case.