
Auckland Transport (AT) tertiary ID stickers

Auckland Transport (AT) offers a tertiary concession for travel on trains, selected buses, and ferries, to students enrolled at and attending an AT–approved registered tertiary institute delivered on–site in the Auckland region. The University of Otago is one of the approved institutions.

To obtain an AT Tertiary ID sticker, email to make an appointment to collect. You will need to take your University of Otago student ID card and your AT HOP card to the appointment.

See the AT website for more information:

Tertiary student concession

Christchurch Metro tertiary concession card

A tertiary concession is available in Christchurch for students.

To collect your student concession Metro card, visit the AskOtago Hub on the Christchurch campus to complete a form and receive your card.

You will then need to top up your card before use.

Your card will expire when you stop studying at Otago, and any unused credit can be transferred by eCan to a new Metro card.

Wellington Snapper card tertiary concession

A tertiary concession is available for Snapper cards in Wellington for students enrolled full–time.

Contact the Office of Student Affairs, University of Otago, Wellington for more information:

Tel +64 4 918 6780

See the Snapper website for more information:

Tertiary concessions

Students who have made an appointment to collect an AT Tertiary ID sticker will collect their sticker from the Dental School at:

5D Browns Road