
EndNote is a software application that you can use to manage bibliographies and references and is available free to all University of Otago staff and students. Upgrades to newer versions are available for current licence holders.

EndNote Libraries are compatible across Mac and Windows platforms.

EndNote compatibility and system requirements

EndNote support

Clarivate, the provider of EndNote, delivers support for EndNote via email and chat as well as training videos and FAQs. The University's EndNote subscription includes access to this service. Links to training, support, and the Clarivate website are available from the Library’s Managing Your References guide:

Managing Your References: EndNote

EndNote on personal computers

Staff and students can use EndNote software on their personally owned computers for University work only. It is not to be used for commercial purposes. EndNote may be installed on multiple devices provided they are all personally owned by you. You cannot install EndNote on a computer owned by another institution or business, even if it is for your own personal use.

If you have a current EndNote software licence and a new version is released, you are entitled to an upgrade to the new version.

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