
Currently, NVivo Windows and NVivo Mac use two different file types for saving projects. On Windows, the .nvp file extension is used, while the .nvpx file extension is used on the Mac version of the software.

It is recommended that work on an NVivo project is done on one operating system to avoid compatibility issues. However, occasionally projects need to be shared and you may need to open a .nvp file on a Mac computer, or vice versa.

Projects converted from a .nvp to .nvpx file may have some information hidden due to features not yet supported on NVivo Mac. It is important that you do not delete any folders or other information that appears blank, as this may result in the deletion of data that is not visible on the Mac version.

For up-to-date information about converting NVivo projects from Mac to Windows and vice-versa, refer to NVivo's website:

Manage Projects – Windows & Mac

As Windows and Macs use different formats for file paths/links, any linked files will need to be updated in the item's properties before the links can be accessed.

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