
Only University of Otago–owned devices should be enrolled in Jamf.

The University of Otago has a management platform for Macs and iOS devices called Jamf that means you can install, request and set up software easily from the Software Centre. Jamf also improves security by making it easy for critical software updates to be installed.

You can opt–in to use Jamf by enrolling your Mac:

  1. Go to
  2. Login using your University username and password.
  3. If prompted for a Site choose General.
  4. Download the CA certificate and install.
  5. Download the MDM profile and install (requires admin password).

Your computer will install any default University of Otago software that is not on your computer already. This can take some time to complete but you can use your computer as normal while it is running.

The way you login to your computer will change: instead of choosing a user from a list, you type in your username. Take note of your username so you can log in using it later when you restart your computer. The set–up window that pops up will tell you what your username is. This may be different from your University username that you use for everything else.

Once your computer is enrolled in Jamf, you can use the Software Centre from Applications > Utilities to install software that has been tested and configured for use at the University of Otago.