
You can cancel an application for study in eVision. How you cancel your study at the University of Otago will depend on where you are in the enrolment process:

How do I cancel an application to study

If you have not yet been offered a place:

  1. Log in to eVision
  2. Go to Programmes and papers and select the relevant programme.
  3. Click the Cancel Application link.
  4. You will be prompted to confirm the cancellation, click the yellow Cancel application to confirm.

If you have been offered a place or have selected papers:

  1. Log in to eVision
  2. Go to Programmes and papers and select the relevant programme.
  3. Decline the offer or click the appropriate Cancel link.

If you have submitted for course approval but the decision is still pending:

  1. Log in to eVision
  2. Go to Programmes and papers and select the relevant programme.
  3. Click the Cancel enrolment link.

If you have been course approved:

  1. Log in to eVision
  2. Go to Programmes and papers and select the relevant programme.
  3. Click Course Enrolment.
  4. Select Complete this step next to the course enrolment declaration and proceed to decline.
  5. Re-select the relevant programme in Programmes and papers.
  6. Click the Cancel enrolment link.

If your course of study has been approved, but your declaration is not available, you will need to contact AskOtago

If you have completed the declaration:

  1. Log in to eVision
  2. Go to Programmes and papers and select the relevant programme.
  3. Click Change of course.
  4. Proceed to the Add or delete papers  section if it is before the last day to delete orWithdraw papers  if the deadline for deletion has passed. You can Withdraw under Exceptional Circumstances using this option.
  5. Submit your changes for approval.

If you have applied to multiple programmes, you will need to cancel your applications for all that you are NOT planning to study. Leaving them incomplete may cause complications with your eVision portal or prevent you from accessing certain parts of the portal later. 

If you are unable to cancel an application yourself, contact AskOtago for assistance.