EchoVideo is a video streaming platform and capture software used to record and upload official University of Otago lectures and events.
Not all courses will have lecture recordings available. Courses that do provide lecture recordings will make these available via Blackboard or Moodle.
You can use EchoVideo to record lectures for official teaching papers, or events (activities that don't exist in the University central timetable e.g. seminars, symposiums etc.) and provide this recording to students via Blackboard or Moodle.
Versions of EchoVideo Universal Capture software
There are three versions of Universal Capture software:
- Capture+ (dedicated hardware devices installed in most larger lecture theatres in Dunedin). These devices are set to automatically start streaming or recording the projector, microphone and possibly camera, without intervention. Resulting recordings are then uploaded to the EchoVideo platform for access by students via Blackboard
- Universal Capture Classroom (software installed on venue computers). Venue computers for the most part behave as the dedicated devices above, however these machines may also be used for other teaching related activities as well
- Universal Capture Personal (also known as Personal Capture). Universal Capture Personal can be installed on your own computer. You can stream or record a lecture from your own office using this software, however, you must already have requested to use Otago Capture before you can download the Personal Capture software.
Capture+/Universal Capture Classroom locations
EchoVideo Universal Capture is available in most pool lecture theatres and teaching venues.
If you have not been scheduled in a Capture-capable lecture theatre and need to be, email: