
If you want to add a paper after the deadline to add or delete papers has passed, you will need approval. Approval of late paper addition is at the discretion of the relevant teaching department. Check the University of Otago key dates for the deadlines to add or delete papers.

Exceptional circumstances will be taken into consideration and may include:

  • Illness supported by a medical certificate
  • A change in eligibility to take the paper, including late exam results
  • Exceptional life circumstances leading to the late request

How do I apply for late paper addition (LPA)

Before the last day to delete papers:

  1. Log in to eVision.
  2. Follow the instructions in the related article: Add a paper through Special Permission

Log in to eVision

After the last day to delete papers:

  1. Contact the teaching department for the paper to discuss your request.
  2. Complete the student section of the Approval – Late Paper Addition form (PDF 119KB) and email it from your student email address* (* if you have one – otherwise, use your personal email address) to the department.
  3. If you are permitted to add the paper, the head of department (HOD) will complete the form and email this to your student email address*.
  4. To confirm the declaration section of the form, you need to forward it from your student email address* to Student Administration at:

Open form

Further information

Academic key dates

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