
Software for University of Otago and personal use can be ordered online.

Who is this available to

This service is available to University of Otago staff and students.

How do I request software

To order software as a student:

  1. Open the Student Software request Form.
  2. Fill in the relevant details.
  3. Submit the form.

Open form

Virtual student desktop software may also be requested:

  1. Open the Virtual Student Desktop Software Installation Form.
  2. Fill in the relevant details.
  3. Submit the form.

Open form

To order software as a staff member:

  1. Complete the Software Order online form
  2. Fill in the relevant details.
  3. Submit the form.

Open form

For staff working from home with applicable software, also complete the Work at Home Application Form:

  1. Open form

How much does it cost

There is no cost associated to the individual, however, there may be costs incurred to the department or against a research grant if applicable.

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