
Many students choose to privately rent accommodation during their time studying at the University of Otago.

Some private accommodation in Dunedin is owned by individual landlords, while others are managed by a property management company. Each property and tenancy agreement is different, so it is important to evaluate all your options, inspect properties thoroughly, and seek advice. Ensure that you are fully aware of your rights and your obligations, lease start and end dates, as well as any restrictions on the property.

If you are an international student, it is recommended that you arrange your accommodation before arriving in New Zealand.

If you are considering renting privately (by yourself, or, more commonly, shared "flatting" with others) during your studies, ensure that you schedule a viewing or apply for your accommodation well before your tenancy is set to commence. Some tenancies are competitive.

OUSA provides advice and guidance for finding accommodation, as well as advocacy and support with accommodation issues.

Contact the Student Accommodation Centre for help with rental accommodation.

Further information

Accommodation for staff, families, and postgraduate students
Future students — Where can I live?
Rental accommodation

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