
Applications for job vacancies are made using Taleo — the University of Otago's recruitment system.

Who is this available to

All applicants.

How do I apply for a job vacancy

To apply as a new applicant:

  1. Visit the Current Vacancies page on Taleo.
  2. Select the job you would like to apply for.
  3. Click Apply Online.
  4. Select New User to create an account.
  5. Use your personal email address for account registration.
  6. Complete your details for the application. These can be saved for later and future applications.

To apply as current Otago staff or previous applicants:

  1. Visit the Current Vacancies page on Taleo.
  2. Click use the internal version at the top of the page for current staff.
  3. Log in with your staff credentials or previous log in details.
  4. Select the relevant job.
  5. Complete the details for your application.

Job vacancies at the University of Otago close at 11:59pm (NZT) on the closing date and will not appear on the HR website after this time.

If you are unable to apply online, or have any difficulty with your application, contact the Recruitment team:

Tel +64 3 479 8275