
A withdrawal under exceptional circumstances decision review may be requested in writing. 

Who is this available to 

University of Otago students.

How do I request a review of a withdrawal decision

To request a review of your withdrawal under exceptional circumstances decision:

  1. Apply in writing:
    • by post, addressed to the Group Leader Student Administration, Student Experience, University of Otago, PO Box 56, Dunedin 9054, or
    • via email to or
    • in person, at AskOtago in the Information Services Building (ISB), Dunedin campus.
  2. The request should include the grounds for seeking review, taking into account the information which is provided on the Withdrawal under Exceptional Circumstances page.
  3. You may also provide any additional information that further supports your application.
  4. Review requests will be considered by an appropriate party not involved in the original decision.