Views: 4320

There are multiple AskOtago locations across the Dunedin campus to assist with a wide variety of enquiries.

Central Hub

If you are on the Dunedin campus, you can visit us in person at the AskOtago Central Hub in the Information Services Building (corner of Albany and Cumberland Streets, opposite the Otago Museum):

Monday to Saturday: 8:00am to 6:00pm
Sunday: Closed
Public Holidays: Closed

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We also operate satellite hubs. Hours of operation of these hubs are 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday:

Clocktower Building Hub

Leith Street, North Dunedin, Dunedin 9016

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College of Education Hub

145 Union Street East, Dunedin Central, Dunedin 9016

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Otago Business School Hub

Corner of Union and Clyde Streets, North Dunedin, Dunedin 9016

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St David II Hub

75 St David Street, North Dunedin, Dunedin 9016

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