
Blackboard provides staff and students with access to communication tools, course materials, discussion forums, online assessment and many other features to help manage their study or teaching.

How do I access Blackboard

To access Blackboard:

  1. Log in to Blackboard using your University of Otago email and password.
  2. Make sure you have cookies enabled in your browser.

Log in to Blackboard

Unable to log in to Blackboard

Below are some common causes for not being able to access Blackboard:

  1. You have not completed course declaration. Visit Enrolling at Otago for more information.
  2. None of the papers you're enrolled in are using Blackboard.
  3. The semester hasn't started yet. Your paper/s may not be available until the first day of the semester.
  4. Incorrect email and/or password — if you need assistance with your username/password, contact AskOtago.