
CareerHub advertises campus career events at the University of Otago.  It also provides students with the opportunity to book careers advice appointments.

Who is this available to 

University of Otago staff, prospective and current students, and graduates.  

How do I access CareerHub 

You can access the CareerHub career development platform:

  1. Open CareerHub login page.
  2. If you have already registered with the Career Development Centre, click the button which best describes your situation (prospective student or graduate) and use the supplied credentials to log in.
  3. If you are a current student or staff member, you should be able to access CareerHub using your usual @otago email address and password.
  4. If you are a prospective student or graduate and haven't yet registered, click the New User? link at the bottom of the login box to apply for an account.
