
University of Otago staff and students automatically have access to Library eResources. Access to the Library's electronic resources for staff not on the University's payroll system is also automatically provisioned for Clinical Lecturers and other Non-OU Staff members.

Access to electronic resources for visiting students is not permitted.

Access for those with other types of external username requires approval.

Who is this available to

A person who has an external username and is not a Clinical Lecturer or other Non-OU Staff member.

If you are not sure if this applies to you, contact AskOtago.

How do I request access to Library eResources

To request access to Library eResources if you have an external account:

  1. Open the Library eResources Form.
  2. Complete the relevant details.
  3. Submit the form.

Open form

A University username is required. If you do not already have one, request an external username

When can I expect delivery

Times vary depending on demand.