There are several types of signs across the University's campuses. Each sign is designed and created per the Design and Facility Standards and the Māori Language policy, ensuring that signage is consistent and uses appropriate te re Māori translations.
Many of the signs on campus are designed to enable accessibility, as well as to promote and encourage the use of te reo Māori.
Signs on campus include:
- Building signs
- Door signs (including staff names and toilets).
- Hanging signs
- Health and safety signs
- Parking signs
- Privacy frosting on glass
- The University of Otago crest/logo
- Wayfinders (both interally and externally)
- Welcome signs
However, other signs can be manufactured for a variety of needs, such as art installations, events, honours boards, memorials, murals, flags and specific lab signs. The signs on campus are created by using a variety of materials. For example, ACM board, custom wood, gloss or matte finish vinyl and gold leaf.
Privacy film and window tints can be installed, including frosted designs on glass. When a sign is needing changed, updated, installed or removed, a request can be made.
Further information
Campus Design for Accessibility and Mobility Policy
Campus Memorial Policy
Design and Facility Standards (PDF 3.4MB)
Māori Language Policy — Ngā Kaupapa mō te reo Māori
University of Otago Brand Guide