
Apps at Otago replaced the Student Virtual Desktop at the end of December 2024. For further information about the replacement process and how to use Apps at Otago visit:

Student Desktop (VDI) Replacement – Frequently Asked Questions

You can access Apps at Otago on University of Otago devices or your personal device.

How do I access Apps at Otago

Open the Windows App to access Apps at Otago:

Computer labs

In computer labs – known as Computer Assisted Learning labs (CAL labs)/Computer Resource Rooms (CRRs) – the Windows App has been installed on all computers.

Personal devices

Downloading the Windows App onto your personal laptop/desktop/phone is recommended, so that Apps at Otago interacts seamlessly with your devices.

Download the Windows App – Windows or Mac

On your own device, download the Windows App software:

  • On a personal device using Windows, go to the Microsoft store on the internet and search for Windows App
  • On a Mac, go to the Apple app store on the internet and search for Windows App

On the new University of Otago Digital Workspace laptops or computers:

  1. Go to the bottom left of your screen, to the Start menu (the Windows icon, a grid of four squares).
  2. In the search bar beside it, type Company Portal.
  3. In the search bar at the top of the Company Portal page, type Windows App.
  4. Click on the App icon to install it.

Use the Windows App

  1. When already installed, open the app:
    • Windows – go to the bottom left of the screen to the Start menu (the Windows icon, a grid of four squares). In the search bar beside the Start menu, type Windows App.
    • Mac – at the upper right of the screen, click the spotlight icon to open the search bar. Type Windows App.
  2. Open the App.
  3. If not prompted to enter your username and password, refer to point 5 below.
  4. If prompted, log in with your University of Otago username and password:
    • Students logging in on a laptop or computer in the computer rooms/labs should use:
      University username (e.g. bonja007) and University of Otago password.
    • Staff logging in on a laptop or computer in the computer rooms/labs should use:
      University staff username, followed by (e.g. and University of Otago password.
  5. You may encounter some introductory screens showing Windows App features, and you can skip through these.
  6. A screen saying "Your system administrator has not set up any resources for" may appear. This is because the Windows App defaults to showing a list of devices.
  7. On the left sidebar, click on Apps. You will now view the list of Apps at Otago apps that you are authorised to use. At the top left of the screen is the word Apps.
  8. Click on an application to start streaming. Launching the first application sets up a remote app streaming session in the background, so it may take some time for all OneDrive files to download and appear in File Explorer. While this will happen every time you start a session, subsequent applications will load significantly faster in each session.
  9. You can add applications to your favourites by going to the top right of the screen, clicking the three dots (...), and selecting Favourites.

Once you have connected to a session via Apps at Otago, it will remain active until you either close the session or it has been idle for two hours.

If you cannot access Apps at Otago, contact AskOtago.

Using the web browser

Using a web browser to access Apps at Otago does not involve installing any additional software which can be useful if you are using a loaned device or cannot install applications. However, the quality may not be the same as using the Windows App.

  1. Go to the Remote Desktop Web Client website
  2. At the right of the screen, click Open Windows App.
  3. Log in with your University of Otago username and password:
    • Students logging in on a laptop or computer in the computer labs/rooms should use:
      University of Otago username (e.g. bonja007) and University of Otago password.
    • Staff logging in on a laptop or computer in the computer labs/rooms should use:
      University staff username, followed by (e.g. and University of Otago password.
  4. You may initially encounter a screen saying your system administrator has not set up any resources for This is because the Windows App defaults to showing a list of devices.
  5. On the left sidebar, click on Apps. You are now in Apps at Otago and at the top left of the screen is the word Apps.
  6. The list of applications that you are authorised to use available for streaming will appear.
  7. Click on an application to start streaming. Launching the first application sets up a remote app streaming session in the background, so it may take some time for all OneDrive files to download and appear in File Explorer. While this will happen every time you start a session, subsequent applications will load significantly faster in each session.
  8. The application will open inside the browser.
  9. Once you have connected to a session via Apps at Otago, it will remain active until you either close the session, or it has been idle for two hours.

If you cannot access Apps at Otago, contact AskOtago.

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