
You will be asked to provide your legal name details as part of the application process. After you have submitted your application, the University will attempt to match your name, date of birth and citizenship or residency against the National Student Index (NSI) using your National Student Number (NSN).

If you do not have an NSN, your details cannot be matched, or your details are matched on the NSI but your personal details have not been verified, you may be asked to provide certified documents to verify your name, date of birth, and citizenship or residency status.

If you wish to change your legal name on University of Otago records once confirmed, you will need to provide either an original or certified (witnessed/notarised) copy of evidence of the name change (e.g. marriage certificate, civil union certificate, deed poll, amended birth certificate).

If you need to make changes prior to graduating, the documentation should be provided at least five weeks prior to the ceremony.

AskOtago SharePoint: Update student details requests