For all emergencies, call 111. In addition, Campus Watch should also be contacted if possible so they can assist emergency services. For all Campus Watch enquiries call 0800 479 5000 or +64 3 479 5000 (24/7 availability).
Campus Watch provides assistance and advice when or wherever it is needed. The five Campus Watch teams work 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Their role is both security based as well as pastoral care, providing information and assistance on a range of issues, many associated with the transition from residential colleges to flatting. Their duties include staffing the Safety Patrol, providing walks home, and deterring inconsiderate behaviour.
Campus Watch services are available in the area bounded by Duke Street, Harbour Terrace, Queen Street, and Hanover Street. This operational area may be expanded slightly on a case-by-case basis.
For other Proctors office or general enquiries:
Tel +64 3 479 4880 (8am to 4pm)
The Proctor's Office, Campus Watch, and the Campus Cop are located in the St David Street Lecture Theatre complex. The entrance is directly from St David Street on the north side of the building (opposite the Centre for Innovation).
Further information
Campus Watch
Proctor's Office
Campus Cop
Campus Watch oversees the administration of keys at the University of Otago. For all key-related queries, email:
Campus Watch will contact the University of Otago Emergency and Business Continuity Coordinator (EBCC) in emergency situations. Campus Watch or the Proctor will manage the situation until handover with the EBCC, who will then manage the emergency in accordance with the Emergency Management Policy.
Further information