
The purpose of Pūtea Tautoko is to provide financial relief to current University of Otago students for whom unforeseen financial hardship has become a severe barrier to successful study, and for whom other forms of support are not readily available.

Grants are typically between $500 and $2,000 per student.

Strict confidentiality is observed when considering applications for support from the Fund.

The Pūtea Tautoko Fund is maintained from a few financial sources, one of which is from staff members of the University who have chosen to support the Fund via the Payroll Giving programme.

Outcomes are normally delivered within 20 working days, however this can vary. Incomplete applications will be declined.

It is possible to apply for and receive Pūtea Tautoko funding more than once. You can only receive one grant per semester unless exceptional circumstances are applicable.

Anyone in receipt of a Pūtea Tautoko grant who is found to have provided misleading information, or used any of the funding inappropriately, may be required to repay the grant (in whole or in part), and may be barred from making future applications to the Fund.

For further information, email:

For other support options, refer to: OUSA Student Support — financial assistance

AskOtago SharePoint: Applying to Pūtea Tautoko

Doctoral students who wish to extend their thesis submission and require financial support are asked to apply to Pūtea Tautoko. If they are more than 12 months from their deadline or the end of financial support from doctoral scholarships they should discuss this with their supervisor, and email Pūtea Tautoko administrators at: