
If you need to recover or reset your PIN for your ID card:

On Dunedin campus

  • Visit the Proctor's Office/Campus Watch Control Room (northern side of the St David Lecture Theatre Complex) anytime 24/7, OR
  • Go to the ID Card Office in the Information Services Building (ISB), 9am to 4:30pm (10am to 2pm outside of semester time)

On Christchurch campus

Visit the AskOtago Reception at the University of Otago, Christchurch

At the Auckland Centre

Contact Reception:

Tel +64 9 373 9700

On Wellington campus

Visit the AskOtago Reception at the University of Otago, Wellington

On Invercargill campus

Contact Divisional Services and Administration:

Tel +64 3 211 6805

Further information

Lost, found, and replacement ID cards

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