The Māori Centre Te Huka Mātauraka — your "whānau on campus" — provides academic, cultural, and social support throughout the entire University of Otago journey, embracing a kaupapa Māori approach starting from pre-enrolment and continuing until graduation for tauira (students) of iwi descent.
The Māori Centre offers:
- A highly recommended academic programme that can significantly lift your academic success
- Counselling and mental health support with Māori practitioners
- Transition support from high school to University
- Assistance with scholarship and grant applications
- A tauira mentoring programme based on the tuakana-teina model
- Locals and residential college tauira have their own kaituitui (co-ordinator) connecting them to the Maōri Centre and Pacific Island Centre
- Events such as pōwhiri for first-year tauira, Turāka Hou/Māori Orientation, Māori pre-graduation ceremonies, and Kia Ita summer school programme
Most importantly, whakawhānaukataka (connection and family), aroha (love and care) and tautoko (support, guidance, and advocacy). The Māori Centre is here to help Māori students feel at home, supported, and cared for while academically achieving their goals and dreams.