
Students who fail more than half of their points in a year will be placed on conditional enrolment in their subsequent year of enrolment at the University of Otago. If you are placed on conditional enrolment, you will be notified by an alert in your eVision portal. Read the alert carefully as it contains important information.

To ensure you have the best chance of academic success, the following rules will be applied to your study if you are placed on conditional enrolment:

  • A maximum of three 18-point papers each semester
  • Any previously approved Final Examination Only (FEO) enrolments may be cancelled
  • No timetable clashes will be approved
  • One paper is permitted in Summer School. You can also take a Pre-Christmas Summer School paper
  • You must meet the prerequisites for the papers you wish to enrol in

In addition to these rules, you must also provide a "Back on track plan" before your course can be approved for the year. A link to the Back on track plan form can be found in the eVision alert about your conditional enrolment status.

It's recommended that you seek advice from a designated adviser of studies in Student Development if you:

  • Are placed on conditional enrolment
  • Plan to withdraw from your study
  • Want to make changes to your papers while on conditional enrolment
  • Wish to take a Summer School or Pre-Christmas Summer School paper while on conditional enrolment

Domestic students can study part-time while on conditional enrolment.

International students on conditional enrolment wanting to study part-time should talk to a student adviser at Student Visa Services

    If you are on conditional enrolment and pass at least half of the points for the year for which you are on conditional enrolment, you will return to a normal enrolment and no restrictions are placed on your study. However, if you do not pass at least half of your points while on conditional enrolment you will be suspended from the University of Otago for two years.

    Further information

    Academic Progress Policy
    Review the outcome of course approval

    Three academic progress policy reports are run:

    • After final examination results are in, but no later than 2 December, a report is run placing students on conditional enrolment or suspension as appropriate. This report is run once, and only after all results have been received
    • A daily report is run identifying any students with a change to results. Student Administration make manual alterations to academic results as appropriate, changing the academic progress policy status as necessary
    • Finally, a report is run on 31 December which:
      • Sets students coming off conditional enrolment to OK
      • Sets students to Suspended if they have not passed the conditions of their enrolment
      • Rolls the enrolment status of previous years' conditional students to Conditional if they have not returned to study since being placed on conditional enrolment
      • Sets the enrolment status of previous years' suspended students to OK if their suspension period is now past

    The date a student is placed on conditional enrolment will be recorded as 1 January and is annotated on their academic record.

    Any resulting emails from a student on Conditional Enrolment should be assigned in CRSM to Student Development, once the student is verified.

    Queue: Student Development General
    Category: 1 — Student-related, 2 — Student Development — Course Advice, 3 — General advice