
The University of Otago issues official documents in relation to a student’s academic study and achievement.

An official transcript is available for current and past University of Otago students and former Dunedin College of Education students. A qualification certificate (testamur, degree certificate) is issued when a student graduates. Other documents include a statement of enrolment and a statement of completed qualifications.​​​​​

  • Academic transcripts are certified, official versions of your academic record. An unofficial version is also available via eVision.
  • My eQuals is an official tertiary credentials digital platform where students can access and share official transcripts and qualification certificates.
  • replacement degree certificate can be generated digitally in My eQuals. Hard copy replacements are available in specific circumstances and incur a fee.
  • statement of completed qualifications includes your full name and lists each qualification you have completed at the University along with the date/s those qualifications were completed or conferred. Statements can be generated in eVision and published to My eQuals.
  • statement of enrolment for the current academic year can be generated in eVision by enrolled students.