
Consolidating the number of places data is stored reduces the risk of data loss or cyber security storage incidents. Below are the University of Otago-recommended storage platforms that address requirements in line with the University's IT principles and standards and the IT roadmaps.

Recommended data storage locations:

  • Microsoft 365 OneDrive and Teams
  • High Capacity Storage (HCS)
  • Globus Data Publication
  • Otago Research Information System (ORIS)
  • Research Data Management Platform
  • NZ eScience Infrastructure (NeSI)
  • Patient management systems
  • Research PACS (Picture Archiving Solution)
  • OurDrive
  • University AWS and Azure environments

Microsoft OneDrive is the default file storage location for University staff. There is a default 100GB OneDrive storage quota for each staff member. OneDrive files and folders can be shared and synchronised across your devices. They are backed up and previous versions are recoverable for up to 90 days.

Official University records must be stored in OurDrive.

Further information about storage assistance and options:

Enterprise Architecture Office Data Storage Location Guidance (PDF 405KB)

Microsoft 365 file storage recommendations 

Microsoft 365 OneDrive

  • OneDrive is the recommended place to start creating/editing a document while working on it. You can move the document over to your Microsoft 365 Teams site when you are ready to share with a wider audience
  • Individual files or folders can be shared to either individual University of Otago users or externally
  • Storing Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc.) documents in OneDrive is recommended

Microsoft 365 Teams site

  • Share files and collaborate live with your team members or project team
  • Individual files or folders can be shared with external organisations

High Capacity Storage (HCS)

HCS is the recommended place to put large files (> 10GB) or large numbers of files (> 1000 per folder), such as large research data sets. It is useful if:

  • Complex file and folder permissions are required for staff/students
  • Particular storage protocols are required (e.g. CIFS)
  • High performance file storage is required

HCS sharing options

  • Share internally via folder permissions using Active Directory Groups
  • Share externally using Globus Publications and Sharing modules
  • Share externally by moving files (if they are less than 10GB in size) into Microsoft 365 Teams or OneDrive
  • Via the Research Data Management platform (as it will access HCS)

Further information

Access to existing HCS shares
High-Capacity Central File Storage (HCS)
Office/Microsoft 365